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Encharter Insurance
Encharter Insurance – Caring and Convenient Insurance

Winter means it’s time to say “goodnight” to summer vehicles like boats and motorcycles. Storing your vehicle for winter isn’t as simple as putting it in the garage. So before you tuck your vehicle in until spring, here are some tips to ensure you r winter vehicle storage leads to a happy summer ending.  If you have any questions, contact our office at 413.475.7283 or Complete our online quote form today.


Changing out essential fluids and lubricants is like giving your vehicle’s engine a warm glass of milk before bed. To prevent corrosion, top off your gas tank then fortify your fuel with an additive like STA-BIL. Boat owners can use SeaFoam to stabilize their fuel. Old motor oil turns into engine-blocking sludge, so change it out too before you put your vehicle into storage. And since you don’t want your engine freezing this winter, check that your antifreeze is up to the task with an antifreeze tester.


Keep your battery connected to a trickle charger. Trickle chargers use electricity to replenish batteries at the same rate as they lose power. That way, your battery will be ready to go when you are. A trickle charger can overcharge and damage your battery though. So be sure to use a charger that shuts off automatically, or goes into “float” mode, when your battery is fully charged.


Tires on long-term parked vehicles can develop “flat spots.” To avoid flat-spotting, put the vehicle up on jack stands, remove the tires and store them separately in a cool, dry place out of direct sunlight. If you prefer to leave them on your vehicle, slightly over-inflate the tires for added protection. You can also move your vehicle periodically to even out wear. Return the tires to their normal inflation before driving again in the spring.


Instead of leaving on your parking brake, which can cause your brake pads to stick to and warp the rotors, use a pair of wheel chocks.


You could put off spring cleaning until, well, spring. In the meantime, however, grime and bug guts will do their dirty work on your vehicle’s paint and trim. When you pull off the tarp in a few months, you may find your toy’s not as shiny as you remember. So take time now to clean your vehicle. Apply a coat of wax to guard against moisture and rust. Protect chrome accents from corrosion with a light mist of WD-40. Another benefit of mopping up this summer’s soda spills and chip crumbs: It makes your vehicle less attractive to hibernating vermin. To make your vehicle even less appealing, seal up entry points like tailpipes and lay out scented dryer sheets. Apparently, rodents hate the smell of clean laundry as much as you hate the damage they cause.
Amherst, Lexington, Pioneer Valley, Massachusetts, MA, Encharter Express, Boat

  1. TUCK ‘EM IN

Lastly, If you don’t have room in your garage for your favorite summer toys, store them well-covered and shielded from the elements. Your vehicle will thank you with fewer needed repairs and a longer life.


We’re getting ahead of ourselves here, but seriously, don’t wait a minute longer than you have to. Cars like to be driven, and months of solitary confinement isn’t their idea of a good time. When you drive a motorized vehicle that’s been in winter car storage, you’ll want to mix in plenty of highway driving to get the operating temperature up and circulate those fluids through the engine. Speaking of fluids, you’ll definitely want to get an oil change as soon as you take your vehicle out of hibernation.

While it may seem tempting to only carry an insurance policy during warmer months, you’ll want to keep your vehicles insured all year round to protect from weather, accidents, and theft. Call 413.475.7283 or visit our website https://www.encharter.com/ to keep your prized investments covered all year long.

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Source: https://shop.advanceautoparts.com/r/cold-winter/how-to-store-your-vehicle-when-summer-ends

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