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pcfg insurance

Work at home can still carry stress.

Change can add stress to any family routine, but change amid a pandemic can bring stress to a whole new level.

Make sure you recognize signs of increased tension and address it before it impacts your life or health.




If you can relate to any of these, don’t worry! We can all feel stressed from time to time. But remember to take it easy on yourself and if you find these signs lingering, consider meeting with your physician or a mental health care professional.


There are things you can do to help manage your stress during difficult times.

Practicing these stress relieving tips might not solve the actual stressor, but it can help you maintain your physical, mental and emotional wellbeing until the stress has passed.



The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention offers these pages with more information:

Coping with Stress

Care for Yourself

Practicing Gratitude Works


Neither The Cincinnati Insurance Company, its subsidiaries or affiliates offer mental health or medical services or advice. If you find signs of stress affecting your life, consult with your physician or a mental health care professional.

The post Feeling stressed? Go easy on yourself appeared first on The Cincinnati Insurance Companies blog.

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