PCFG Insurance offers
In a nutshell, flood insurance protects your home/structure and most of your goods from natural disasters (i.e., rain, waves, etc.). To qualify for payment, many insurance stipulate that the water must cover at least two acres of typically dry ground. Homeowners, business owners, and even renters can obtain flood insurance.
The government writes the majority of flood insurance in the United States. If the community participates in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), which was established by Congress in 1968, flood insurance is provided to homeowners, renters, and business owners.
After this current extension expires, the NFIP is set to expire. The NFIP premiums were recently hiked to assist offset the NFIP’s $24 billion deficit. The bill also required a study of extending private flood insurance choices. As a result, private businesses are stepping forward to provide alternatives to the government-run program.