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grandparents dayReading the Bible with Grandchildren in 2020, Photo by nro

According to their website, “Since 2012, Generations United has spearheaded an annual campaign to encourage all generations to Do Something Grand and engage with another generation on Grandparents Day. As our society opens back up, our theme this year is a question: How will you look at connecting generations differently this Grandparents Day?” While some may celebrate a happy grandparents day with another generation today, others may not.

Some interesting stats from the 2018 AARP National Survey:

A majority of grandparents agree that relationships with grandchildren nourish their mental and
social well-being, as well as their physical well-being.

2018 AARP Grandparents Today National Survey

The post Happy grandparents day, or is it? appeared first on Living Life Retired (LLR).

Original source: https://livingliferetired.com/grandparents-day-2/

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